Welcome to the Kibler Library. We hope that all members of our community enjoy their experiences in the library and benefit from the services offered. For the safety and welfare of all of our patrons, we ask you to follow the rules listed below. Thank you very much!
The Kibler Memorial Library is open to all members of the local community and visitors to the area.
Books may be checked out for four weeks. DVDs may be kept for two weeks. Overdue books and DVDs are charged at ten cents per day with a maximum fee of $5.00 for an overdue item.
For the welfare and safety of all, the following activities are prohibited in the library:
Any activity in violation of federal, state, or local law
Disorderly behavior of any kind, including yelling, excessive noise, or running in the library
Use of cellular phone, audible, pager, audio equipment or similar equipment that disturbs others (Note: earbuds are on sale at the library for $1.00 per pair.)
Abandonment of individuals, both adults and children who are unable to take care of themselves. A responsible adult must attend children under the age of 8.
Vandalizing or defacing library materials or property, including books, furniture, walls, computer equipment, or facilities.
Removing library materials, equipment, or property from the building without proper checkout or authorization
Carrying firearms and dangerous weapons, unless in accordance with state law (Virginia Code 18.2-308)
Being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or selling, using, or possessing of alcohol or illegal drugs
Verbally or physically threatening or harassing other patrons or staff, including staring, touching, or using offensive language
Soliciting or conducting surveys without library authorization
Using restrooms for bathing or shampooing
Any tobacco use in the library
Consuming food or beverages in the computer area
Bringing pets or animals, other than service animals, into the library
Not wearing shoes or a shirt
Violating the Electronic Resources Policy
Library staff has the authority to intervene to stop prohibited activities and behaviors. Failure to comply with the Library's established standards of acceptable behavior may result in removal from the building and/or the suspension of library privileges.